Our high school science program uses Novare Science to steep our students in wonder, integration, and mastery. All science begins with wonder at the beauty of God’s creation; in order for our students to practice the virtue of stewardship, they must first know the world and fall in love with it. We view science as an integrated subject connected to all other content. We emphasize strong writing skills, make frequent use of mathematics, and make historical connections for students to set science within the fabric of human discovery and advancement. Finally, we believe that science students should work for mastery. This means that they are not presented with a bloated textbook, but rather, that they are given the right amount of material with which to engage deeply. This material is constantly reviewed, increasing the students’ accountability for and ownership of previously studied material.
Students begin with physical science and take introductory physics the following year. In eleventh grade, students study general biology. Our twelfth graders complete their coursework with general chemistry.