As a classical school, we feel strongly that all high school students must engage in a performing art, for the skills of presentation are essential to human communication and flourishing. Students may choose between choir or drama.
In choir, students are led through the basics of rhythm, musical notation, intonation, breath support, and sound quality. Students who participate in choir for successive years have the pleasure of seeing their musicality honed. Students learn a variety of musical styles from chant to hymns to madrigals. The choir performs at the all-school Masses throughout the year and puts together the Carols and Lessons program during Advent. They also perform at the spring Fine Arts Night.
In drama, students learn the basics of staging, projection, inflection, expression, and gestures. Those who have an interest also participate in set design and costuming work. With increasing rigor, students are guided from monologues through scene work, culminating in a full dramatic production in the spring at Fine Arts Night.