In first through fifth grades, students use TAN’s Story of Civilization series to study the history of western civilization alongside stories of great Saints who helped to shape their societies. They have an ancient year, a medieval year, a modern European year, and an American year. Each chapter features a nonfictional story written in prose form, engaging the students’ imaginations as they encounter far-away and long-ago times.
While history is shared with the youngest in the form of stories and related activities, the study of history begins in earnest in third grade. One year of fourth grade is devoted to California and the Catholic and Spanish roots of America’s founding.
Beginning in sixth grade, the students begin the spiral again, delving deeper to the ancient civilizations that formed the foundation of western civilization through Classical Academic Press’ Curious Historian series. In seventh grade, they complete this series with a study of the middle ages, and in eighth grade, they complete the cycle with a close look at modern European history and America’s place in it.