Kolbe-Trinity School has specific enrollment requirements designed to ensure that our potential students and families are aligned with our school's values and academic standards. While exact details may vary slightly year by year, below are our typical enrollment requirements:
Application Form: Parents/guardians must complete a "First Inquiry Form", which includes basic information about the student and family.
Student Registration Form: Following the First Inquiry, parents/guardians to complete a Student Registration From. This form seeks additional information about the student, their family, their last school attended and Catholic Sacraments received.
Family Interview: Our school requires an interview with the family to discuss our school’s philosophy, religious expectations, and whether the family is a good fit for our school community.
Academic Records: Submission of academic records or transcripts from the student's previous school are required, especially for students transferring from another school.
Baptismal and Sacramental Records: Families will be asked to provide baptismal records and other sacramental certificates, as applicable.
Health and Immunization Records: Up-to-date health and immunization records are required to ensure our compliance with state health regulations.
Adherence to Catholic Values: Families and students are expected to practice and support the religious and moral teachings of our Catholic Church. This includes participation in Mass, religious instruction, and daily prayer.
Financial Agreement: Upon acceptance, families will sign a financial agreement outlining tuition costs, payment plans, and any other fees associated with enrollment.
For more specific or updated information, please contact our school office.